NOASA General Membership Meeting 12/20/2023 6PM

20 Dec 2023 by Michele Jagodzinski

NOASA General Meeting
Please join us:
Wednesday, December 20 · 6:00 – 7:30pm EST
Google Meet Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 260-488-6048‬ PIN: ‪828 668 365‬#‬‬‬‬

1. Sign in

2. Call for additions to the agenda

3. Approval of last meeting Minutes

4. Approval of the Treasurer’s report:
Beginning balance to Current balance, largest expenses
5. Officer’s report:
a. President:
b. VP Report:
c. VP men:
d. VP women: Looking to grow the Women’s Open by potentially playing on 2 different days(Competitive vs Rec) and/or offering a competitive summer league for players who are home from college.
e. Secretary:
f. Registrar: Update on Fall numbers and first season using new platform.

6. Special Reports:

7. Old Business

8. New Business:
• Proposing 8 game Spring Season
• Discussion of potential Members becoming certified to referee with NOASA and paid by NOASA. Reimbursement for background check, referee certification and referee gear, once complete and committing to referee at least one game.
• Discussion on a day/location to offer Women 50+ league
• Working on Player and Roster procedure for spring season, Managers will become responsible for checking in opposing team.
• Executive Board elections

9. Motion to adjourn

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